Ph no. 03 7014 1222
The Centre was established in February 1986 with Federal funding for building renovations and equipment purchases. Boroondara Council provided the building and land for the establishment of the first parent-managed child care centre in Camberwell.
The Centre moved to temporary premises while renovations were carried out during 1997. Renovations to the staff areas, laundry and kitchen were completed in 2012.
The Centre had an interior renovation between Jan 2022- Nov 2022. The Centre moved to another temporary premises in Balwyn during the renovation period. Renovation to the kitchen, all the children's room and foyer were completed.

Above all we C.A.R.E
C Community, communication, collaboration, compassion
A Authenticity, acknowledgement, adaptability, awareness
R Respect, responsiveness, rights, relationships
E Education, empathy, equity, empowerment
At Through Road Early Learning we provide education and care in an inclusive environment where children’s development, play-based learning, and child-led experiences are at the heart of our joyful practice. Our centre recognises the importance of family, our educators, community involvement, and open communication. This supports children’s skills, awareness, knowledge and relationships as they develop a sense of themselves and the world around them.
Reviewed and updated on 5th October 2023