Ph no. 03 7014 1222
We are very lucky to have high child/educator ratios which allow us to have more one to one contact time with the children.
This allows our Educators to spend increased time intentionally teaching and guiding children in their play experiences.
In the Bilby room we have 3:8 as opposed to the minimum ratio of 1:4.
Aims of the Bilby room:
To develop the children’s self-confidence and positive self-esteem and building a positive self-image to begin seeing themselves as competent and capable learners.
To further develop and encourage the children’s social and communication skills in a positive and meaningful way, in times of play and conflict.
To gain an understanding of independence regarding caring for themselves and their belongings.
To nurture the whole child holistically considering their current abilities.
To support the child to self-regulate their emotions and to seek help when needed (Educators will always be on hand to support the children).
Our ratios for children are excellent.
In the Possums room we have 4:12 as opposed to the minimum ratio of 3:12.
The Possum room presents children with opportunities to learn though independent and group spaces, in our innovative indoor and outdoor program. Our routine is flexible and is
designed to best support the needs of the Possums community.
Aims of the Possum Room:
Build a sense of self identity & self-worth which sees each individual as competent and capable learners.
To further develop & encourage the children’s communication skills in times of play and conflict.
To gain an understanding of caring for themselves and their belonging.
To support the children’s belief in their own ability to interact with their teachers and peers through, engagement in solitary and parallel play, participation in group activities, adjusting to classroom routines and following directions and learning to play well and practicing to empathize with others.
To engage the children’s listening and speaking skills including communicating and sharing ideas with their teachers and peers, developing their individual vocabularies through language acquisition activities and storytelling, understanding and following directions and learning to ask inquisitive questions.
To further support the children’s mathematical knowledge though age-appropriate, number sense and recognition, counting and quantifying and shapes and patterns.
To build the children’s scientific thinking though supporting their learning in regard to building the children’s skills of observation and asking questions, developing descriptive language and practicing predicting and using these tools to develop critical thinking and improve sensory integration.
To provide numerous physical opportunities so that children can develop fine and gross motor skills through age-appropriate activities and play such as water play, dancing to music and assorted activities and games in our outdoor environment.

Various dramatic set up in the room to support children's creativity, self-regulation, language development, social development.
Regular sport program once a week during school term to support children's gross motor skills, cognitive and social development.
Sensory experiences to support brain development, enhancing memory, complex tasks and problem solving. It also support children's fine motor skills and 5 sense development.
Community walk/ park fun regularly for children to develop road safety skills and explore the surroundings around them.
bookshelves in the room for children to choose the books they like freely, various tools to support story time, including puppets, felt board etc.
Mini Maestro incursion weekly, music time throughout the day
Support children to be independent, including washing their hands, cleaning their own bed, putting clothes on, self-help table for applying sunscreen/ wiping their face etc.
With practice and support, young children can learn skills that will help them self-regulate.